Game PSP Final Fantasy Type-0™ HD Full Patch Super Compress

Review Game

I have spent the past week experiencing my first taste of the Final Fantasy universe with Type-0 HD, I have to say the story is thrilling! 

The real war feeling and beautifully created entrance to the game set the bar really high for me, but as this is the exact same game for story my review will be more focused on graphics and gameplay. 

After I watched a lot of the PSP graphics through videos and I decided to have a quick go at it on my PSP to compare the two games graphically and for any gameplay additions.

Lets jump in with graphics, I’ll admit it is a fairly pretty game when I first loaded it, the intro was really defined and smoother in comparison to the PSP version, gave me a feeling the graphics were going to be better than a few other games on the next generation consoles. 

Then I started to play the game, it was quickly made apparent to me that Square Enix put minimal effort into updating the graphics, however the characters and a lot of the larger structures in the game were made smoother, but a lot of the smaller textures have barely been touched still being massively pixelated. 

The colour within the game has also changed but its been toned down giving it more of a grey and dismal look. (as you’d expect to contrast the feeling of war) Another thing that could of been improved is the cut-scenes, as with the power of the next gen consoles and ease of editing they could of lip synced the characters properly and made it so that the cut-scenes didn’t fade out just to switch angle most of the time.

Now lets move onto the stuff that hasn’t been added or updated! Such as character development, which for your characters isn’t a lot, or any of the characters, the NPC’s don’t really talk at all, a lot of it is just in text, which I feel distances you from the characters. As for the story itself, its rather dramatic and intense, with music to accompany that feeling, the story is also very deep, adding more to the Final Fantasy universe with each few minutes of playtime, always giving you questions to answer like at the beginning with asking ‘how did class zero use magic?’ 

One cool feature of Final Fanatsy type zero is the world map to reach the different locations for your missions, where you can help your armies fight and invade enemy occupied settlements, bump into a dungeon and have to fight high level monsters or soldiers! When helping your troops fight you have to be tactical and send the correct troops to counter theirs(maybe you could help them your men!) and hope for a swift victory

Overall you are playing this game for its in depth story and combat. However whilst playing, you are constantly reminded that this is not next gen material. It is still designed for handheld systems and could easily run on them, I am pretty sure that some have even better graphics that Final Fantasy Type-0 HD! If you can love RPGs combat, Dungeons and can overlook graphics and textures, then this is defiantly the game for you and I recommend it for that. (

Download the Game 
Run emulator PSP or PPSSPP and play the game.
Recommended emulator for PSP ISOs : PPSSPP

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