Folder Lock 7.6.0 Full

Since most computers are actively connected to the Internet, data is constantly at risk whether or not an antivirus is installed. Security level is never big enough, but it is better to stay as much as possible on the safe side, especially if you handle confidential files. Folder Lock is a powerful tool dedicated to offering that extra sense of security you need.
Well-organized and easy to use interface.

After a quick and uneventful installation process and a system restart so that it can properly function, you can go ahead and bring up the main window. The interface features a modern and visually appealing design, managing to cleverly store major actions in a side panel and the center workspace providing necessary tools.

Quickly have files and folders locked
One of the basic security tools you can access is “Lock Files”. Items of interest can easily be dragged over the main window or located using a dedicated explorer, which also unveils the possibility of locking an entire disk drive.

An additional option lets you encrypt files for even greater security. A so-called “Locker” is created on your hard disk drive where files are encrypted and kept safe.
Safely store files on removable devices

Moreover, important content can be stored online with a dedicated cloud service. What's more, you can also use a removable storage device or even CD/DVDs as a means to enhance security by keeping your lockers somewhere else other than your hard disk drive.

Virtual wallet for secure credentials
Last but not least, the application also features support for keeping your credentials safe by creating wallets. There are various card types you can choose from, such as bank account, business info, license and a lot more.

Everything secured with a password
Nearly every step of the way requires a password, which can get frustrating if you're planning to use most available features. However, you can use the same password, but this increases the risk of making your files vulnerable to attacks.

Accessing the settings menu unveils a lot more options to protect items you manage with this application. An interesting feature is “Hack Security” which monitors attempts made to crack your password, with the possibility to exit the application, log off and even shut down the computer if a certain number of incorrect attempts are made.

To end with
All in all, Folder Lock is one of the most powerful security tools you can stumble across while browsing the web. It offer so many options to enhance file safety that it is highly possible to get lost in the amount of password requirements and places to store data. However, this can also be used as a means to keeping predators at bay. Source